Pertubuhan SAHABAT adalah sebuah entiti mualaf yang berdaftar dengan ROS merupakan sebuah pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO), tidak berasaskan keuntungan dan bergerak secara sukarela. Fungsi utama SAHABAT ialah mencari DANA untuk survival Pusat Bimbingan Teratak Fitrah, Rumah Kebajikan Likas dan menggerakkan Khidmat Sosial (amal jariah) serta memenuhi objektif penubuhan SAHABAT. Pusat ini mendapat dokongan yang padu dari JHEAINS, JAKIM, PZS (MUIS), CONCERN (Majlis Gabungan NGO Islam Sabah), NGO, pendakwah bebas dan lain-lain. SAHABAT boleh dihubungi di

Sunday, April 18, 2010


It is the Mercy and blessing of Allah (swt) that He has brought us together in this Institution. The Muslim students here are but a microcosm of the Muslim Ummah at large. They represent different nationalities, languages, colours; school of fiqh as well as attachments to different organisations that are working for the revival of Islam. This is Allah’s Mercy for which we should be grateful.

It is sad to see the internal strife currently plaguing the Muslim Ummah. We are witnessing civil war and bloodshed in many parts of the Muslim world- Muslims are unfortunately killings Muslims. In some countries Muslim governments are oppressing and torturing Muslim masses. These rivalries which are dividing the Muslim Ummah are the product of different races, languages nationalities or school of of fiqh. We need unity among Muslims. By unity I do not uniformity. There will always be those who have a different approach. We should not try to steamroll everyone into following exactly the same pattern of behaviour as our own. As long as this pattern is permissible by the Syariah, it is possible to have unity despite diversity.

… to be continue

Source / quote from:

Abdur Rashid Siddiqui. 2005. Lift Up Your Hearts (vol I). The Islamic Foundation. Leicester,England

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