Pertubuhan SAHABAT adalah sebuah entiti mualaf yang berdaftar dengan ROS merupakan sebuah pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO), tidak berasaskan keuntungan dan bergerak secara sukarela. Fungsi utama SAHABAT ialah mencari DANA untuk survival Pusat Bimbingan Teratak Fitrah, Rumah Kebajikan Likas dan menggerakkan Khidmat Sosial (amal jariah) serta memenuhi objektif penubuhan SAHABAT. Pusat ini mendapat dokongan yang padu dari JHEAINS, JAKIM, PZS (MUIS), CONCERN (Majlis Gabungan NGO Islam Sabah), NGO, pendakwah bebas dan lain-lain. SAHABAT boleh dihubungi di

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Peperiksaan Kelas Muallaf - SAHABAT

Sdr. Johari Buning, Bendahari SAHABAT
sedang mengira kutipan derma kilat untuk seorang pesakit ( bayi berusia 2 bulan ) yang mempunyai masalah jantung berlubang.
Ustaz Firdaus (gambar sebelah kanan) yang sedang sibuk dengan pengurusan Program Hidayah Centre juga sempat datang melawat para pelajar yang sedang menduduki peperiksaan pada pagi itu.

Fauziah Chowa.... orang kuat kebajikan &
pengendali Unit Ibu Tunggal

Amboi, ambil kesempatan bergambar pula sahabat kita ni!
Tak khusyuk langsung.....

Beginilah adab makan yang penuh dengan sopan santun.... dik,sempat lagi menelaah sambil makan....??
tak sempat ulangkaji semalamkah?jaga-jaga tercekik tulang...dik...

ehwah..ehwah..senyum lebar nampak...
dapat jawabkah....?

praktikal solat untuk pelajar baharu

Perhimpunan pagi yang diadakan setiap kali sebelum sesi belajar bermula.
Betapa kentalnya semangat saudara kita yang terpaksa melangkah keluar dari rumah bersama anak-anak,semata-mata ingin menuntut ilmu setiap pagi Sabtu di Teratak Fitrah.
Semoga Allah akan memberkati dan mempermudahkan urusan kalian...amin..

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

semangat nasyid

bersyukur kerana kejayaan nasyid!

vokalis utama

Thursday, October 7, 2010



latihan nasyid ke 1Borneo (JAKIM FUNCTION)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Adakah kau lupa ?

Adakah kau lupa ?
Kita pernah berjaya
Adakah kau lupa ?
Kita pernah berkuasa
Memayungi dua pertiga dunia
Merentasi benua
Melayari samudera
Keimanan juga ketaqwaan
Rahsia mereka capai kejayaan

Bangunlah wahai anak bangsa
Kita bina kekuatan jiwa
Tempuh rintangan perjuangan

Gemilang generasi yang silam
Membawa arus perubahan
Keikhlasan hati dan nurani
Ketulusan jiwa mereka berjuang

Adakah kau lupa ?

Sejarah telah mengajar kita
Budaya Islam di serata dunia
Membina tamadun berjaya
Merubah mengangkat maruah


Adakah kau lupa ?




Bil Soalan TANDAKAN (x)
Betul Salah
1. Nabi Muhamad SAW dilahirkan di Madinah X
2. Nabi Muhamad SAW dilahirkan pada tahun Gajah (570M)
3. Nabi Muhamad SAW menjadi nabi pada umur 45 tahun
4. Halimah binti Abi-Dhuaib ialah ibu susuan Nabi
5. Muhammad bererti ’benar’
6. Abdul Mutalib adalah pakcik Nabi
7. Isteri pertama Nabi ialah Aisah
8. Hijrah yang pertama ialah ke Madinah
9. Israk Mikraj adalah perjalanan Nabi ke Yathrib
10. Orang yang berhijrah ke Madinah dipanggil ”Ansar”
11. Arah Kiblat yang pertama ialah di Ka’bah
12. Aisah, isteri Nabi, adalah puteri kepada Saidina Ali
13. Perang Badar adalah peperangan yang pertama
14. Hafsha adalah salah seorang isteri Nabi
15. Perjanjian Hudaibiya adalah mengenai Cardova
16. Nabi Muhamad SAW wafat pada 12 Hijrah
17. Abu Bakar RA adalah khalifah kedua
18. Kronologi Khalifah: Abu Bakar, Umar, Ali, Othman
19. Kamal Atartuk adalah khalifah terakhir
20. Ibnu khaldun adalah Sultan di Spanyol
21. Melaka jatuh ke tangan Pertugis pada 1512
22. Datuk Syed Abas adalah Mufti Sabah pada masa ini
23. Rukun Islam adalah 6 perkara
24. Tn. Hj. Nicholas Sylvester penerima Anugarah Khas (Saudara Baru) Maulidul Rasul 2009
25. Ibnu Sina adalah pakar Astonomi Islam
26. Mayor DBKK, Datuk Iliyas Ibrahim adalah penerima Anugerah Maulidulrasul 2009
27. Ustaza Drs Maria Hasibuan adalah isteri kepada Ustaz Awaludin Nasution
28. Surah Al Fatihah ada 9 ayat
29. HAMKA adalah presiden Indonesia yang ketiga
30. Ybgh. Tn. Hj. Amri Suratman adalah Pengarah JHEAINS
31. Ibnu Batuta ahli ‘jalan Sutera’ ke China
32. Al-Kindhi ahli Georafi Islam
33. Syah Jehan adalah peneraju pembinaan Taj Mahal
34. Pn. Sellewati (Bendahari) dan Johari Bungin Timbalan Presiden SAHABAT

Kembalikan selepas jam 12 tengahari kpd Presiden SAHABAT. Ada hadiah ISTEMEWA me

Monday, October 4, 2010


Islamophobia (ie. Islam+phobia, "fear") is prejudice against, or an irrational fear of Islam or Muslims.[1] The term seems to date back to the late 1980s,[2] but came into common usage after the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States to refer to types of political dialogue that appeared prejudicially resistant to pro-Islamic argument.[3] In 1997, the British Runnymede Trust defined Islamophobia as the "dread or hatred of Islam and therefore, to the fear and dislike of all Muslims," stating that it also refers to the practice of discriminating against Muslims by excluding them from the economic, social, and public life of the nation. It includes the perception that Islam has no values in common with other cultures, is inferior to the West and is a violent political ideology rather than a religion.[4] Professor Anne Sophie Roald writes that steps were taken toward official acceptance of the term in January 2001 at the "Stockholm International Forum on Combating Intolerance", where Islamophobia was recognized as a form of intolerance alongside Xenophobia and Antisemitism.[5]

A perceived trend of increasing "Islamophobia" during the 2000s has been attributed by some commentators to the September 11 attacks,[6] while others associate it with the rapidly growing Muslims populations in the Western world, especially in Western Europe, due to both immigration and high fertility rate.[7] In May 2002, the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC), a European Union watchdog, released a report entitled "Summary report on Islamophobia in the EU after 11 September 2001", which described an increase in Islamophobia-related incidents in European member states post-9/11.[8] Although the term is widely recognized and used, it has not been without controversy.[9]

The word Islamophobia is a neologism formed of Islam and -phobia. The compound form Islamo- contains the thematic vowel -o-, and is found in earlier coinages such as Islamo-Christian from the 19th century.


As opposed to being a psychological or individualistic phobia, according to associate professor of religion Peter Gottschalk, "Islamophobia" connotes a social anxiety about Islam and Muslims.[10][11]

A number of individuals and organizations have made attempts to define the concept. Kofi Annan told a UN conference on Islamophobia in 2004: "[W]hen the world is compelled to coin a new term to take account of increasingly widespread bigotry, that is a sad and troubling development. Such is the case with Islamophobia."[12]

In 1996, the Runnymede Trust established the Commission on British Muslims and Islamophobia, chaired by Professor Gordon Conway, the vice-chancellor of the University of Sussex. Their report, Islamophobia: A Challenge for Us All, was launched in November 1997 by the Home Secretary, Jack Straw. In this report, Islamophobia was defined by the Trust as "an outlook or world-view involving an unfounded dread and dislike of Muslims, which results in practices of exclusion and discrimination."[13] An early documented use of the word in the United States was by the conservative American Insight magazine in 1991, used to describe Russian activities in Afghanistan.[13] Other claims of early use include usage by Iranian clerics in 1979,[14] or its use in 1921 by the painter Étienne Dinet.[15]

The American Muslim writer Stephen Schwartz has defined Islamophobia as the condemnation of the entirety of Islam and its history as extremist; denying the existence of a moderate Muslim majority; regarding Islam as a problem for the world; treating conflicts involving Muslims as necessarily their own fault; insisting that Muslims make changes to their religion; and inciting war against Islam as a whole.[16]

In a 2007 article in Journal of Sociology defines Islamophobia as anti-Muslim racism and a continuation of anti-Asian and anti-Arab racism.[17] Similarly, John Denham has drawn parallels between modern Islamophobia and the antisemitism of the 1930s.[18] So has Maud Olofsson,[19] Professor Jan Hjärpe,[20] and George Galloway.[21]
In a 2008 article in the "Journal of Political Ideologies" Jose P. Zuquete argues that Islamophobia is a catch-all term that should be avoided. Islamophobia places under the broad umbrella of 'fear or hatred of Islam' discourses and criticisms that may have distinct sources, motivations and goals. He argues instead for the use of "anti-Islamic" (because it distinguishes between

source: Wikipidia

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